The following courses are included in our SafetyNET series of courseware:
H&S Induction Course
This is designed to give a basic understanding of SHE requirements - i.e. once over lightly and contains the following modules:
Module 1. SHE Management
Module 2. R.P.E. / P.P.E
Module 3. Office Safety
Module 4. Safety Signs & Rules
Module 5. Environment
Module 6. Emergency Procedures
Module 7. Equipment Safety
Module 8. Storage
Module 9. Transport
Module 10. Occupational Welfare
Module 11. Workplace Assessments
Module 12. C.H.I.P.
It is not expected that all trainees do everything from this Working Safely Induction Course. When they present themselves for final assessment, the trainee should pick, (or be directed) to choose the areas for assessment.
The Results Management System will know which areas have been assessed and the certificate issued indicates these areas.
H&S Induction Course
This is designed to give a basic understanding of SHE requirements - i.e. once over lightly and contains the following modules:
Module 1. SHE Management
Module 2. R.P.E. / P.P.E
Module 3. Office Safety
Module 4. Safety Signs & Rules
Module 5. Environment
Module 6. Emergency Procedures
Module 7. Equipment Safety
Module 8. Storage
Module 9. Transport
Module 10. Occupational Welfare
Module 11. Workplace Assessments
Module 12. C.H.I.P.
It is not expected that all trainees do everything from this Working Safely Induction Course. When they present themselves for final assessment, the trainee should pick, (or be directed) to choose the areas for assessment.
The Results Management System will know which areas have been assessed and the certificate issued indicates these areas.
Part One - The Substances
The objective of this part is to ensure all staff understand...
1. what the acronymSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training stands for,
2. why we should learn aboutSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training,
3. what are hazardous substances,
4. the meaning of the information on labels,
5. how to use Safety Data Sheets.
Part Two - The Assessment
The objective of this part is to ensure all staff understand...
1. what aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment achieves,
2. who generates aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment,
3. the basic 5 steps of aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment,
4. how to read aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment Record.
Part One - The Substances
The objective of this part is to ensure all staff understand...
1. what the acronymSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training stands for,
2. why we should learn aboutSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training,
3. what are hazardous substances,
4. the meaning of the information on labels,
5. how to use Safety Data Sheets.
Part Two - The Assessment
The objective of this part is to ensure all staff understand...
1. what aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment achieves,
2. who generates aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment,
3. the basic 5 steps of aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment,
4. how to read aSwan Multimedia | Online and Computer based training Assessment Record.
Manual Handling
The AIM of this Module is to minimize the risk of injury as a result of manual handling by...
avoiding hazardous manual handling operations, recording a manual handling assessment of those operations that cannot be avoided, reducing the risk of injury from those operations as far as practical.
Loading and Unloading of Vehicles
The AIM of this Module is to ensure legal compliance and safe working practices when, and to identify the hazards and risks associated with loading and unloading vehicles carrying Packaged Goods, Packaged Dangerous Goods and Tanker loading / unloading.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
The objective of this Course is to...
1.ensure all staff have the necessary knowledge and skills to understand their responsibilities under the Management of H & S Regulations,
2.relate the risk assessments to the individual aspects of their jobs,
3.develop the knowledge to help staff fill out the Risk Assessment forms at their workplace.
This is achieved by actual working through an Assessment using a form supplied with the Course based on HSE best practice.
The AIM of this Module is to minimize the risk of injury as a result of manual handling by...
avoiding hazardous manual handling operations, recording a manual handling assessment of those operations that cannot be avoided, reducing the risk of injury from those operations as far as practical.
Loading and Unloading of Vehicles
The AIM of this Module is to ensure legal compliance and safe working practices when, and to identify the hazards and risks associated with loading and unloading vehicles carrying Packaged Goods, Packaged Dangerous Goods and Tanker loading / unloading.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
The objective of this Course is to...
1.ensure all staff have the necessary knowledge and skills to understand their responsibilities under the Management of H & S Regulations,
2.relate the risk assessments to the individual aspects of their jobs,
3.develop the knowledge to help staff fill out the Risk Assessment forms at their workplace.
This is achieved by actual working through an Assessment using a form supplied with the Course based on HSE best practice.
Display Screen Equipment (includes making an assessment)
The objective of this Course is to ensure all staff understand...
1.ensure Display Screen Equipment users have sufficient information and training to safely use this equipment,
2.to facilitate the production of a written risk assessment by the assessor,
3.to facilitate the production of a written risk assessment by the user,
4.to identify the user's and employer's responsibilities under the regulations
This is achieved by actual working through a Workstation Assessment using a form supplied with the Course based on HSE best practice.
Respiratory Protective Equipment
The AIM of this Course is to ensure that the RPE chosen is:
· suitable for the task
· suitable for the wearer and the work environment
· in good condition
· worn correctly by someone who has been trained to use it.
The objective of this Course is to ensure all staff understand...
1.ensure Display Screen Equipment users have sufficient information and training to safely use this equipment,
2.to facilitate the production of a written risk assessment by the assessor,
3.to facilitate the production of a written risk assessment by the user,
4.to identify the user's and employer's responsibilities under the regulations
This is achieved by actual working through a Workstation Assessment using a form supplied with the Course based on HSE best practice.
Respiratory Protective Equipment
The AIM of this Course is to ensure that the RPE chosen is:
· suitable for the task
· suitable for the wearer and the work environment
· in good condition
· worn correctly by someone who has been trained to use it.
Personal Protective Equipment
The objective of this Course is to ensure all staff choose PPE which is...
1. suitable for the task
2. suitable for the wearer and the work environment
3. maintained in good condition
4. worn correctly by someone who has been trained to use it.
PPE for the areas - Head, Hands, Feet, Trunk, Arms and Legs - are looked at while storage, maintenance and responsibilities are considered in detail and the mandatory warning signs are reviewed.
Noise and Vibration
The Aims of this Course is to ensure all employees understand...
1. the Hazards and Risks associated with exposure to noise and vibration,
2. the Control Measures required to reduce this risk.
The objective of this Course is to ensure all staff choose PPE which is...
1. suitable for the task
2. suitable for the wearer and the work environment
3. maintained in good condition
4. worn correctly by someone who has been trained to use it.
PPE for the areas - Head, Hands, Feet, Trunk, Arms and Legs - are looked at while storage, maintenance and responsibilities are considered in detail and the mandatory warning signs are reviewed.
Noise and Vibration
The Aims of this Course is to ensure all employees understand...
1. the Hazards and Risks associated with exposure to noise and vibration,
2. the Control Measures required to reduce this risk.
Safety in the Office
This Courses is an expansion of the Display Screen Equipment Course adding on Material relating to safety in the office environment.
Part One - Office Safety
The objective of this Section is to ensure that all staff can identify the hazards and risks associated with their working environment, including...
1. environmental issues,
2. work equipment,
3. housekeeping,
4. workplace assessments,
5. fire precautions,
6. emergency procedures,
7. slips, trips and falls.
Part Two - Display Screen Equipment
This is the complete Display Screen Equipment Course referred to above.
This Courses is an expansion of the Display Screen Equipment Course adding on Material relating to safety in the office environment.
Part One - Office Safety
The objective of this Section is to ensure that all staff can identify the hazards and risks associated with their working environment, including...
1. environmental issues,
2. work equipment,
3. housekeeping,
4. workplace assessments,
5. fire precautions,
6. emergency procedures,
7. slips, trips and falls.
Part Two - Display Screen Equipment
This is the complete Display Screen Equipment Course referred to above.
Flammable Liquids
This is the latest in the SafetyNET series. Again, it is not expected that all trainees do everything from this Flammable Liquids Course. When they present themselves for final assessment, the trainee should pick - or be directed - to choose the areas for assessment.
The Results Management System will know which areas have been assessed and the certificate issued indicates these areas.
This course contains the following modules:
Module One - Introduction
Module Two - General control measures
Module Three - Storage in fixed tanks and containers
Module Four - Loading and unloading of road tankers
Module Five - Coatings manufacture
Module Six - Cleaning plant and equipment
Module Seven - Maintenance and modification
Module Eight - Spillages
Module Nine - Emergency
Module Ten - Zoning
This is the latest in the SafetyNET series. Again, it is not expected that all trainees do everything from this Flammable Liquids Course. When they present themselves for final assessment, the trainee should pick - or be directed - to choose the areas for assessment.
The Results Management System will know which areas have been assessed and the certificate issued indicates these areas.
This course contains the following modules:
Module One - Introduction
Module Two - General control measures
Module Three - Storage in fixed tanks and containers
Module Four - Loading and unloading of road tankers
Module Five - Coatings manufacture
Module Six - Cleaning plant and equipment
Module Seven - Maintenance and modification
Module Eight - Spillages
Module Nine - Emergency
Module Ten - Zoning
All of the above courses cater for Unlimited Trainees per course. Networked and extra copies can be provided at reduced rates.
This Flexible and state-of-the art learning enables training to take place to suit companies and individuals' needs as the learning is managed by the employee at workplace on the computer.
All of the courses include a complete learning & assessment process, which is easy to understand and operate and needs no special computer knowledge.
The workplace-based courses minimize downtime at work, and provide a consistent, reinforced message where the candidates progress and achievement are both measurable and recordable.
These courses help you to meet legal requirements for training and risk assessment and can be combined with our optional Results Manager to give you full control of the candidates results.
Although each Course produces simple results at the end of a Courses including a Certificate for the trainee which should be authenticated by their own signature and their training supervisor's signature, the Results Management System keeps a track of the actual questions asked at each assessment and the actual response made by the trainee as well as the time he/she took to provide an answer.
This Flexible and state-of-the art learning enables training to take place to suit companies and individuals' needs as the learning is managed by the employee at workplace on the computer.
All of the courses include a complete learning & assessment process, which is easy to understand and operate and needs no special computer knowledge.
The workplace-based courses minimize downtime at work, and provide a consistent, reinforced message where the candidates progress and achievement are both measurable and recordable.
These courses help you to meet legal requirements for training and risk assessment and can be combined with our optional Results Manager to give you full control of the candidates results.
Although each Course produces simple results at the end of a Courses including a Certificate for the trainee which should be authenticated by their own signature and their training supervisor's signature, the Results Management System keeps a track of the actual questions asked at each assessment and the actual response made by the trainee as well as the time he/she took to provide an answer.
It is also possible to add notes about each trainee and to look at all of an individual's results either for a particular Course or for all Courses.
All of the above courses can be modified to suit your specific requirements, please contact us for more information on this service.
All of the above courses can be modified to suit your specific requirements, please contact us for more information on this service.