The concept behind our results management system is the ability to store results from our own TBT courseware and via our question bank facility to store results from other.
- Web/Intranet/Internet courses
- CBT Courses
- Video Courses
- Audio Courses
- Chalk and Talk classroom training
- Training Manuals,Workbook type courses
- When a question is up-dated the old question results are hidden but not removed from the system.
- The system can be configured for pre-course testing to carry out Training Needs Analysis.
- Testing at the end of the course and then comparing the results with the pre-course test gives a measurement of the course effectiveness.
- Re-testing at a later date and comparing the results gives a knowledge retention measurement.
- All of the results can be used for APL towards NVQ qualifications.
The following is a brief overview of the functions carried out by the LearnMate Management System:
The LearnMate Management System allows the trainer to export the results to other operating platforms such as Training Management systems and allows the trainer access to both the course results and the assessment results.
- List of trainees who have completed the course.
- List of trainees who have completed the course at a given location.
- Who needs re-assessment?
- How many of the available courses has a trainee attempted?
- How many trainees have passed a course?
- Are some or any of the questions in-effective?
- Is an area of training week?
- How many of the trainees have exceeded ‘x’% or achieved less than ‘y’%?
- Which trainees are ready for the on-the-job assessment?
The LearnMate Management System allows the trainer to export the results to other operating platforms such as Training Management systems and allows the trainer access to both the course results and the assessment results.