All Swan Courses can be used in two modes, Learn and Assess
All courses need to be supported by an appropriate person to assist and to ensure quality and proper validation of results.
Learn Mode is used to allow the trainee to proceed at his/her own pace without the pressure of an assessment. For example:
To try the course
To remeditate an identified part of the course which may have proven difficult.
For refresher training and assessment.
Learn Mode therefore, is a diagnostic tool to ensure learning is taking place and help is freely given and permitted while using the courses in this mode.
Assess Mode is when the course is used to access to the final assessment is given. This mode is used exclusively to:
Determine that the learning objectives have been achieved.
Identify that the trainee can be shown to have demonstrated complete understanding of the course content.
Check understanding by an appropriate person in conjunction with the Results Management System by recalling "failed" assessment questions and discussing them face to face with the trainer and allowing for "upgrading" or "downgrading". This system allows the trainer to maintain full control.
All courses need to be supported by an appropriate person to assist and to ensure quality and proper validation of results.
Learn Mode is used to allow the trainee to proceed at his/her own pace without the pressure of an assessment. For example:
To try the course
To remeditate an identified part of the course which may have proven difficult.
For refresher training and assessment.
Learn Mode therefore, is a diagnostic tool to ensure learning is taking place and help is freely given and permitted while using the courses in this mode.
Assess Mode is when the course is used to access to the final assessment is given. This mode is used exclusively to:
Determine that the learning objectives have been achieved.
Identify that the trainee can be shown to have demonstrated complete understanding of the course content.
Check understanding by an appropriate person in conjunction with the Results Management System by recalling "failed" assessment questions and discussing them face to face with the trainer and allowing for "upgrading" or "downgrading". This system allows the trainer to maintain full control.